
This is meant as a reference for my programming class to use to help understand C concepts better. I'm starting from Pointers and Structures, which is where we are now. I will work backwards to cover the more basic stuff as I have time. This page should keep up with the class pretty well.

April 16th, 2000 -- I started this page back in 1996, with the intention of helping out some of my classmates with understanding the C/C++ programming language. Obviously, from the lack of topics below, it is a project that fell by the wayside and has not been expanded on much in the last four years. In fact, I had pretty much forgotten of its existance, and had planned on dumping it in my current site re-design. However, I have noticed that this section is still getting a few hits a day, and after investigating some of the links people are following to get here, I have found that it is ranking pretty high (top 10, sometimes first) in searches on the web for topics like linked lists.

Not wanting to disappoint those who come here looking for help, I have decided that I will keep the site up, and add additional topics and help as time permits. This will not happen until after the rest of my site has been redesigned, so the earliest will probably be late May. The site itself will be moving to a different location, but this site will forward you there, so go ahead and bookmark it.

For those of you who are here looking for help this semester, I apologize that I don't have more for you. But if you are continuing on with C/C++ programming, or it is just something you do for fun, please bookmark this site and try back over the summer or in the fall, and I will hopefully have more content up.

C Language Topics
TopicConcepts Covered
  • Declaration
  • Usage
  • Pointer Manipulation
  • Declaration
  • Elements
Linked Lists
  • Declaration
  • Usage




Copyright 1995-1997, Reality˛ Design