New Content coming soon...
We are hard at work behind the scenes to bring an updated portfolio, more detailed information about our service offerings, and online price lists. In the meantime, feel free to contact us for pricing, availability, and any other questions you may have.


All of the images contained in this site have been created, scanned from original photos, scanned from original artwork, or taken digitally by Pat Griffin of Reality Squared Services, LLC., except where noted. These images are protected by state and federal copyright laws, and may not be copied, distributed, or used in any manner without express permission from the artist. This includes all artwork, buttons, graphics, designs, logos, and other image-based content.

These images also may not be used as a base for (or a part of) any other artwork -- electronic or otherwise -- without prior permission. This includes, but is not limited to: cropping, inverting, reversing, scaling, palate translation, and compositing.

If you wish to use any of the images on these pages, you may contact us. All cases will be considered individually.


All HTML content on this and all RSS designed sites is coded by hand in a text editor to be fully compliant with XHTML and CSS standards, and to be cross-platform and cross-browser compatible.

As always, visitors are invited to view our page source to learn how to do the same.

Site Content

No text content from this site may be reproduced in whole or in part unless reference to the original source is provided in the same location as the quoted material. In the case of web pages, this should be in the form of a link. In print, the URL from which the quote came should be provided.

Perl Scripts and JavaScript

Occasionally, Reality Squared Services may make Perl scripts and JavaScript freely available to the public. These scripts may be distributed, so long as the code and copyright information contained within remains intact.

Most JavaScript within the site is viewable along with the page source, and may be freely copied and modified to achieve similar effects on other websites.