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Website Hosting

Reality Squared Services can provide web hosting services for your new or existing site if you do not have a home for it already.

Upgrade Your Image

Is your site currently available as a sub-site under another domain (for instance, Would you like to make your site more professional and more accessible? Domain names are cheap; in some cases under $10 per year. And the cost of hosting is very reasonable. For a relatively low cost you can get your own domain instead of using a long and unsightly URL for your page.

Reliable Service

The web host that provides services to Reality Squared Services and its customers is one of the best in the business. The historical uptime over the last two years has been over 98%, which is phenomenal when you consider all the factors that go into running a web server. With this kind of reliability, you will not have to worry about people not being able to reach your site.

Guaranteed Compatibility

Even the best web design company cannot account for the site they designed being installed on a system that doesn't support some of the features that it requires to run. Since Reality Squared Services has used the same host for over two years, we know the ins and outs of their system, and we know what services they provide. If you host through us, we can guarantee that everything we develop for your site will work as it should.

Only What You Need

As we develop your web site, we will discuss your needs and get a clear picture of what you require to make your site work the way you want it to. We will then provide you with the lowest cost hosting plan we can. If you don't need a large amount of space for your site, then you won't pay for it. If you don't need FTP access, then you won't pay for it. There is no sense in wasting money paying for services that your web site does not utilize.